Choose Advicase – Your Trusted Los Angeles Uber Accident Lawyer

Are you a victim of an Uber accident in Los Angeles? The team at Advicase is here to provide expert legal representation, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

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Unparalleled Expertise

We are seasoned professionals who specialize in Uber accidents and personal injury law, making us the ideal companion to handle your legal matters. Our lawyers have a detailed understanding of the complexities surrounding Uber laws and insurance policies. We understand the unique nuances involved in rideshare accident cases, which distinguishes us from other firms that have a more generic approach to accident claims.

Legal Representation

Ensure you get guidance and compensation for your personal injury case in Los Angeles

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Medical Care

Access to doctors who work specifically on injury cases to aid in your recovery process.

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Get compensated

Uber accidents aren’t easy. Get compensated for damages and any losses.

Why Advicase?

Accidents involving Uber and other rideshares like Lyft often result in injuries and a stressful time for everyone involved. These accidents may be caused by negligence, a third-party driver error, vehicle equipment breakdowns, or other factors. As experienced personal injury lawyers, we at Advicase, are well-versed with these complexities and understand the importance of an accident report and adoption of the correct legal strategies to obtain compensation.

los angeles uber accident lawyer

How Advicase works

Get help for your Los Angeles Uber accident in 3 easy steps

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Step 1

Get a case manager that answers your questions and guides you through the process.

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Step 2

Schedule a free consultation with legal representation and a medical provider.

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Step 3

Get the help you are entitled to after your uber accident.

Common Questions about Uber Accident Cases in Los Angeles

Consultant Personal Injury

Everything you need to know about uber accidents in Los Angeles

In the unfortunate event of an Uber accident, you should first ensure you’re safe and seek immediate medical attention. This ensures your injuries get professionally attended to, and subsequent medical records serve as concrete evidence documenting your injuries. Shortly after, file an accident report with Uber via the app, gather key information such as the driver’s details and insurance, and take photos of the accident site if possible. It’s essential to approach experienced Los Angeles Uber accident lawyers, like Advicase, to navigate the complex ride-share laws and help facilitate a successful compensation claim.
One of the inherent differences lies in the insurance policies for Uber Vs—regular vehicles. Uber operates under a commercial auto insurance policy that provides coverage. At the same time, the driver is logged into the app and is engaged, either heading to pick up a customer or during the ride. In contrast, regular car accidents mainly involve the driver’s auto insurance. The complexities of such legal specifications warrant an Uber accident lawyer’s assistance.
In Los Angeles, California, the statute of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit is generally two years from the accident date. However, accessing claims against a government entity, such as if your accident involved a government vehicle, usually takes six months.
Anyone who experiences an injury due to an Uber accident – passengers, drivers, pedestrians, or other motorists – can seek compensation. The lawsuit can compensate for multiple elements, including medical bills, lost wages, and even non-economic damages like emotional distress or punitive damages in some cases.
Dealing with insurance companies can be a complex process. They can employ multiple tactics to minimize their liability. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to let an experienced Uber accident lawyer handle the insurance negotiations, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive the fair compensation you deserve.
Generally, it’s challenging for an Uber driver to sue Uber directly due to their status as independent contractors rather than employees. However, depending on the specifics of the accident and the terms of Uber’s insurance coverage, it could be possible. Consult with an experienced Uber accident attorney for personalized guidance.
Self-driving Uber vehicles are a newer aspect of the law and can complicate an accident case. Injuries sustained in a self-driving Uber car accident could result in a claim against Uber or the vehicle’s manufacturer, depending on what caused the accident. These complexities highlight the importance of seeking legal advice from Uber accident lawyers such as Advicase.

Any injured party involved in an Uber accident – whether driver, passenger, or third party – can file a lawsuit to seek compensation for their injuries. However, if the injured party is a minor or severely injured, another party may file the lawsuit on their behalf.

In California, a state using the pure comparative negligence rule, you can still recover damages even if you’re partly at fault. However, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. A specialized attorney at Advicase can help you navigate these laws.

As of now, because Uber classifies its drivers as independent contractors rather than employees, it’s generally challenging to hold Uber liable for a driver’s negligence directly. However, the specifics of your case could allow for different avenues for compensation. An attorney from Advicase could assess your case and advise you accordingly.

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Let’s delve deeper into understanding the term ‘Statute of Limitations’ about a Uber accident. Essentially, it refers to the hard limit or deadline set by law within which you must file a lawsuit seeking compensation for your damages or injuries. This time limit varies by state, and in California, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is generally two years from the date of your accident. This deadline is critical, and missing it means forfeiting your right to pursue legal compensation against the at-fault parties.

However, exceptions to this rule do exist. For instance, if the guilty party happens to be a government entity, like a government vehicle is involved, or the driver is a government employee on duty, the deadline shrinks to just six months from the accident.

It’s also worth noting that the deadline for filing a claim with insurance companies, whether your own or the at-fault party’s, may be different and often much shorter than the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit.

On top of that, the clock for the statute of limitations could be ‘tolled’ or paused in certain circumstances. For instance, if the victim is a minor, the clock only starts ticking once they turn 18.

Given these intricacies and the significance of the statute of limitations to your Uber accident compensation claim, it’s recommended to speak with an experienced Los Angeles Uber accident lawyer like Advicase as soon as possible. We can guide you through the legal complexities, ensuring that your lawsuit is filed within the compulsory timeframe while also dealing with insurance companies and managing deadlines to ensure your rights are fully protected. At Advicase, we go above and beyond to ensure our clients receive the compensation they deserve in a timely and hassle-free manner.

In legal battles, evidence is the key that often unlocks the door to successful compensation claims. So, what constitutes evidence in an Uber accident, and why is it so important?

Comprehensive evidence not only substantiates your claim but it also helps you define the liability, prove your innocence, and highlight the other party’s negligence. Therefore, it plays a vital role in determining your compensation for your damages and injuries.

Primarily, evidence in an Uber accident case can be categorized into four types:

1. Accident Report: This includes the police report and Uber’s accident report. A detailed police report, filed at the scene of the accident, provides a neutral third-party perspective about the incident. It often includes crucial details like the parties involved, eyewitness statements, and diagrammatic representation of the accident scene.

2. Medical Records: Following an Uber accident, seek immediate medical attention, even if you don’t think you’re severely injured. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms immediately. Medical records serve as an official account of your injuries. They detail out the extent of your injuries, the proposed treatment plan, and potential long-term implications, thereby helping quantify your compensation claim.

3. Photographic or Video Evidence: Photographs and videos from the accident scene can reinforce your case. This includes pictures of your injuries, damages to the vehicles involved, road conditions, traffic signals, and even photos of the Uber driver’s app showing the trip details.

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