Looking for a Uber accident lawyer ?
Our deep-rooted network and strong relations with numerous insurance companies, doctors, police departments, and government entities ensure that we can handle every aspect of your case, from gathering comprehensive evidence to negotiating fair settlements, ensuring you receive the best medical treatment, and even representing you in court if needed. Whether you are an Uber passenger, driver, or a third-party affected in an accident, we recognize your rights and strive to maximize your recovery.
Legal Representation
Ensure you get the guidance and compensation for your personal injury case.
Medical Care
Get access to doctors who work specifically on injury cases to aid in your recovery process.
Get compensated
Uber accidents aren’t easy. Get compensated for damages and any losses.
Why Advicase?
Advicase excels in distinct specializations, particularly in the complex field of Uber and Lyft accident cases. Our team has the intricate knowledge and experience that deal implicitly with the significant legal and insurance challenges posed by ridesharing accidents.
How Advicase works
Get help for your Uber accident in 3 easy steps
Step 1
Get a case manager that answers your questions and guides you through the process.
Step 2
Schedule a consult with legal representation and a medical provider.
Step 3
Get the help you are entitled to after your Uber accident.
Common Questions about Uber Accident Cases.
Everything you need to know about Uber accidents.